Profile of Sea Wave is an application-oriented research organization in the interests of the economy and for the benefit of society. Our research areas include Renewables, Power Storage, Mobile Automatic systems, Digital Engineering, Data solutions. Leading projects Profile of Sea Wave have the goal of introducing scientific and original ideas and promising key technologies in specific solutions that can create significant economic results and rapid implementation for the market. Profile of Sea Wave consistently develops its structure on research unions and international cooperation with excellent scientific institutions and companies around the world, providing direct exchange with the most influential scientific and economic spaces.
Maintenance and repair are a significant cost factor in operating power and industrial plants. Downtime caused by the need to perform this work should be minimized, and failures caused by undetected faults should be prevented. We are researching the use of mobile automatic inspection, service and control systems at facilities with long-term operation of fixed assets. Mobile automatic inspection systems: - for high-precision damage detection and recording; - detection of leaks of dangerous substances; - surface inspection and non-destructive testing of internal structures. Mobile automatic service systems, performing fully automatic work that is dangerous or unreasonable for people. Mobile Autonomous control systems for operations in hostile environments in the interests of civil security. We are researching the scope of application of automatic inspection systems in enterprises. We are exploring the possibility of using automatic inspection systems for autonomous control tasks in large industrial enterprises and vertically oriented systems. We are studying. The economic effect of using automatic systems depending on the industrial tasks, the type of operation and the nature of the equipment for inspection / maintenance. Assessment of the possibility of using existing automatic systems and their adaptation to solve the tasks. Additional provision. Profile of Sea Wave has a special responsibility for exemplary conduct in business operations. This means, in particular, compliance with laws and regulations, as well as fair negotiations and fidelity to the contract. The company's activities are subject to additional special requirements in the following areas: - privacies; - data protection; - application of the principles of prevention of corruption; - formation of the working environment. We are shaping the future with a material-oriented work in charge of the Russian Federation.
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